Unity?? Are you freaking serious.
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Author:  rangerp [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

So a left wing, Bernie loving, Socialism supporting Democrat just attacked Republicans (and only Republicans) and now we have gutless Republicans crying for unity and saying it was an attack on US all.

It was not an attack on US all. It was liberals attacking Republicans.

If some Trump supporter shot Democrats on a ball field, Nancy Pelosi would not be calling this an attack on us all. She would be attacking conservative talk radio, she would go after the NRA, and there would be no cry for unity.

Left wing media, Hollywood , and libs have fed this anti American liberal monster. Make them accountable.

Author:  BlueShamu [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Virginia Shooting Suspect Was Distraught Over Trump’s Election, Brother Says - The New York Times

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  rangerp [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

I think this shooting is but the tip of the iceberg. Liberals are about to come off the chain.

Author:  BlueShamu [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Yeah....seems the republicans are playing the "high road" game. Not going to say the MSM is ignoring the fact that this guy was anti-republican....but, if the shoe was on the other foot....we would know every detail about him....every anti-republican social media post he ever made....

But, the dems are the party of inclusion......aren't they?

Author:  huck Finn [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Stay vigilant and be ready . I saw the video, he had about 4-5 minutes of shooting time with several mag reloads. Can happen anywhere out there . I'm thinking who ever tries or does this crap next won't last as long if more citizens self protected and carried.

H Finn

Author:  BlueShamu [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Soft targets...not as many soft target crowds in the south...too many people carrying these days. Too many 2A believers.

Author:  huck Finn [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Capitail police , prevented his exit from the dugout. , and ultimately ended him . Salute to those officers. ! Some where bike cops I saw . Regardless.

H Finn

Author:  CypressCritter [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

The likes of Pelosi, Reed, and other liberal id10ts need to get a grip on this last election before there is some kind of "Purge". They just can't stand it that someone was elected that they can't control totally.

Author:  VooDoo Daddy [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

how many times did he change magazines, did he have 30 round mags?

Author:  huck Finn [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Sks but he reloaded 4 times I think , no mags. , strip clips.

H Finn

Author:  BlueShamu [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Author:  VooDoo Daddy [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

So it was an SKS, they kept saying it was an M4. And maybe I am wrong but I could have swore they said it was a .223 round.

SKS is a 7.62mm right? bigger than an AR type round.

I think it is so crazy that they keep worrying about how many rounds this guy shot. If he had had a deer rifle with a scope, He could have killed a lot more with well placed rounds in the same amount of time. And a lot less ammo. Or even that SKS with well placed rounds.

Author:  rangerp [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

I am just thankful that he was a typical inept libtard.

Imagine if a Marine or even a decent sportsman had fired that many rounds. There would have been piles of dead bodies.

Author:  Gunshinestate407 [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Anybody see Mcauliffe say we lose 93 million people everyday to gun violence? They know nothing and are out of touch with reality yet they wanna tell us how to live! F that!

Author:  BlueShamu [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

93 million Americans per day....the US would be extinct in......

3.5 days.

Wow! That's some serious stupidity. Said thing is, some libtard will repeat this in another argument!

Author:  BlueShamu [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

Even with his corrected statement of 93 Americans per day....which is probably grossly understated.....he fails to mention the root cause of these murders.....and it's not guns or "gun show loopholes"......

Author:  rangerp [ Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity?? Are you freaking serious.

I watched the video concerning the 93 million gun deaths a day

And if you want to see a democrat crap their pants, cry, and run the other way, ask these questions.

So, the actual number of gun deaths per day in America is 93.

Of those numbers, how many are suicide? Do you realize that our suicide numbers are lower than Japan? (of the 93 gun deaths per day, 58 are suicides)

Of the actual murders per day (25) is there any statistical significance to who is doing the killing and who is being killed Mr. Democrat Congressman? Are you familiar with the actual numbers from our Department of Justice?

Of the murders per day, the 12.5% black population is committing half, and half of those folks being killed are black.

If black lives really matter to democrats, they will look at the actual statistics and do something. It is obvious by their lack of even discussing the numbers that they do not give so much as a squirt of piss.

If we could lower the number of black murders to equal their percentage of the population, we would lower the national murder per capita rate by almost 40% and save a whole lot of black lives. I want to save black lives and lower murder rates, how about you Mr. Congressman?

Being we know that there is no such thing as an atavistic killer (genetic killer), then the black murder rates must have a root cause? Could it be that democrats set up the current welfare program that now sees 7 of 10 black babies being born into single parent homes, where young black males are being raised without a father?

Mr Congressman, have you ever spoke out on the vile filth being put out in gangster rap music where it is routine to pontificate on bitches, hoes, and busting a cap in a mo--er fu--ers ass?

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