Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles
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Author:  Gigafowl [ Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles

President Biden's plan to replace the government’s fleet of 650,000 cars and trucks with electric vehicles assembled in the U.S. by union workers is easier said than done.

Reality check:
Right now, not a single model fits the president's criteria: battery-powered, made in America, by union workers.

Tesla produces the vast majority of EVs in the U.S., and all of its models contain at least 55% American-made parts, according to federal data. But Tesla doesn't have a union and CEO Elon Musk has run afoul of federal labor laws.

General Motors' Chevrolet Bolt is the only U.S.-built EV made by union labor. But it's made mostly with parts imported from Korea. Just 24% of the content is considered domestic.

The Nissan Leaf, another popular EV, is made in Tennessee. But the factory is non-union and only 35% of the parts are domestic.

Biden Bungles - Again !

Author:  dguidry [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles

GM to phase out gasoline vehicles by 2035. I'll be dead but it's the future. You'd better adapt now. ... _kMRIwD5C4

Author:  Gigafowl [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles

Author:  Gigafowl [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles

White House climate czar John Kerry on Wednesday recommended that oil and gas workers should pivot to manufacturing solar panels if their jobs are eliminated as a consequence of the Biden administration’s environmental policies.

Which is like saying steaks should just start making cows !

“Today is climate day at the White House, which means today is jobs day at the White House,” Biden said at a White House ceremony. “In my view, we’ve already waited too long to deal with this climate crisis and we can’t wait any longer. It is time to act.”

Act like a Dictator ?

Not a Leader - a leader would have created those jobs first before he single handedly put
over 400,000 people out of work !

The January jobs report will likely be the worst one we have seen in decades !

. . . . . .

For comparison last year under Trump in January 2020 the U.S. economy added
a better than expected 225,000 jobs in January.

The main metrics from the Department of Labor’s January 2020 jobs report last year were:

Change in nonfarm payrolls: +225,000 vs. +165,000 expected and +147,000 in December
Unemployment rate: 3.5% in December
Average hourly earnings: +3.0% in December 2019

Author:  Gigafowl [ Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden Bungles - Electric Vehicles

Thanks to the Biden mandate for electric vehicles....

U.S. states are looking for new ways to fund road maintenance and construction since up until
now road use taxes were collected at the fuel pumps.

For example Wyoming’s Legislature, which is considering multiple bills aimed at generating additional
revenue for roads in the state to replace the 24 cents per gallon in gasoline taxes normally collected
at the fuel pumps that EVs will avoid paying.

“Wyoming House Bill HB0037 will place a per mile charge to drive in Wyoming. And seize your vehicle
for non-payment.” - this will apply to both resident and non-resident vehicles driven on roads in
the state of Wyoming !

Oops - guess Biden did not see that coming - EVs don't pay gasoline road taxes !

It would charge road users based on their class of vehicle, with per-mile charges ranging from 1.3 cents for motorcycles and other light vehicles to about 14.4 cents for the largest trucks.

People driving passenger cars would have to pay about 2.2 cents per mile.

The road-use tax would apply to both Wyoming residents and nonresidents, according to the legislation, and the state would grant credits for fuel taxes paid. Federally owned and operated vehicles and tribal vehicles would be exempt from the tax.

Those who try to skirt the tax would be charged 1% a month in interest, and delinquent charges, penalties and interest constitute a lien on the vehicle. The legislation empowers the state to “seize and sell the vehicle” for those who are delinquent for at least 30 days.

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