In Memory of Man's Best Friend
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Author:  Tony B [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Many folks on MMT have the very best friend a man could ask for, loyal, obedient, trust worthy and there for them no matter what. It's not a person I'm referring to but man's true best friend, . . . a dog.

Paleo sent me a pm with the idea to have a sticky thread honoring members' dogs who have passed on and I thought it was a great one so here it is.

Use this thread to post photos along with stories about a dog you lost. It's a great way to remember a friend who was probably the best one you ever had in your life.

Please do not bs this thread, only serious posts and replies. Let's keep it honorable.

Author:  POKER1 [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

That day has finally come, or at least the day I can finally force myself to admit it anyway. As I sit here looking down at a dog that has truely been my best friend for the past 12 years I realize that it is the hardest decission that I have ever made in my life. I see a friend that has been there through thick and thin. Who's eyes still seem so full of life, yet who's body can no longer carry him though the day. My only peace is knowing he will be in a better place soon. Relode has been a major part of our family and we will miss him.

Author:  simplepeddler [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Actually put my little Gracie down today.
She was a 14 year old boykin. We had Gracie before Boykins were cool around here.

Ironically, she left on the new puppy's first birthday, Kinda like a passing of the torch.

Will get some pics up.

Author:  mw46 [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Lost Ace a few months ago, he went way too soon

Great thread btw

Author:  kungfu35 [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Lost my Gracie a year ago this month to a brain tumor that was causing her to have seizures. Toughest decision I ever had to make. She was the smartest dog I ever had!

Author:  CLICKSTER [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

lost my Shelby at two years old way to soon. some high school kid thought he had to go 65 in our neighborhood!

Author:  crittergitter [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

His name was "DIGGER" he loved to hunt and was everyones best friend. Last year at this time he was struck by a car and left in the ditch to die. His back was broken so bad i had to have him put to sleep. He was only 3yrs old. i sure loved this dog R.I.P Digger you are missed.

Author:  crittergitter [ Fri May 04, 2012 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Well today is a very sad day. I had to put down Hannah today at 17 she just can not get around anymore so It had to be. She will be missed she was an awesome dog loved to hunt , loved to play , loved my son dearly. Good by sweet girl time to fetch up for the Lord. That is all

Author:  POKER1 [ Mon May 07, 2012 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Picked up Relodes ashes today along with a paw print keepsake to go into his shadow box. Wasnt easy and I guess it never does get much easier. I plan to spread some of his ashes in the decoys come opening day of next season in our favorite hole that we spent many hunts together in. Also plan to have a couple working decoys made that will hold the rest of his ashes so he will still be with me on my hunts to come.

Relodes first retrieve with his puppy dummy, whistle and pic from that first hunt.


Author:  chaseh [ Mon May 07, 2012 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Author:  RootSumn [ Tue May 15, 2012 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

That's a great idea Poker about the decoys.

My boy Shadow on the left. Had him from when I was 12-26, we had alot of good times. Had to put him to sleep In my arms due to renal failure two years ago, still ain't the same without him.

Author:  T-Bubba [ Tue May 15, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Ol Nelli Belle.

was my first dog that was called "mine"... Got her in my 9th grade year of highschool in 2001. She was very high strung and only really listened to me. She would find a duck though. Was hit by a car in March of 08.

One of her first retrieves

riding in the Tahoe to the boat landing

one of her last times at the camp of the 2007 season

Author:  Double-R [ Mon May 21, 2012 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

The dog is not mine but I would claim him in a heartbeat. Gatorpoints Texas Hold 'em. Gator was the best dog anyone could ask for. I am so thankful for him letting me be apart of his life. His owner, Paul Peacock, loved him dearly and would do anything for him as Gator would do for Paul. never in my life have I seen a dog so hell bent on retrieving while he was at a hunt test or in the duck blind. on the flipside to this never have i seen a dog so hell bent on laying on the couch or playing with a rubber ball in the house. Many of you here knew this dog and know the greatness that followed him. I am happy to have a son of his so that his legacy will live on. Thanks Gator and Paul.

Author:  kmacc [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Had to put my best friend Bailey down due to a brain tumor that caused seizures. Hardest thing I've ever had to do, she was only 6. I had her since the day she was born and she was the sweetest girl. So blessed to have one of her puppies to continue the legacy. Hunting season will never be the same!

Author:  kmacc [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Author:  woodsman1977 [ Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

In memory of my beloved Dakota, 6yr old black lab lost to bone cancer in March 2011.....absent from my life, forever in my heart.

The Last Battle:

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this--the last battle--can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
Don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears
You'd not want me to suffer, so.
When the time comes, please let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
it is a kindness you do for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Do not grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close--we two--these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

Author:  brasso [ Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Author:  mississippiduckboy [ Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

My ole man Blue, he was 16 years old when he finally passed, he hunted all the way up until he was 15years old with me, he had brought back 1000's of birds in five different states, i would give anything to get one last hunt in, he was the one person who never over slept, was late to the dock, or complained that it was to cold...You are missed man, i havent been able to bring myself to get another lab since you left us.

Author:  Shellblastin [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

WOW ....that was getting tuff to read... great poem though woodsman

Author:  cmiller73 [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Author:  vp1016 [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Cutter, the best bird dog I have ever had. I got him when I was 12. When my parents went through their divorce he was the most stable part of my life. Always by my side, and always loyal. He would make retrieves so long that he would look like a black speck on the horizon. When a wounded duck would dive he would go under after it. Always coming up with the bird in his mouth.

I couldn't bring him to college. When I came home one summer I noticed he looked bloated. Come to find out he had cancer. It had spread from his liver to his lungs and his heart. The vet gave him a month at most to live. I fed him steak every night until he passed. Cutter ended up living three months past when the vet said he would die.... Just a week before I had to leave for school. I like to think his loyalty was so strong it kept him alive long enough to spend the summer with me. He may have been just a dog to other, but to me he was my bestfriend, hunting partner and family.

Author:  barnes_53 [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

I know it is hard to lose your best friend. My sympathies to all of you.

Here is a video I found sometime back. I share this with everyone that tells me that my dog and I have a weird relationship. After watching it then they get it.

Some of you might recognize this ole boy from cutting up and being silly crashing Excel boats through flooded timber. He has a very serious and true-to-the-heart message in this video. Enjoy.

Author:  sela_native [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

^^^ awesome video, thanks for posting

Author:  mississippiduckboy [ Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

I think I might be half of the views that are on the video, I watched this video over and over after I lost my ol boy blue.

Author:  Team_Cut'Em_All [ Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

wow awesome video!!!!

Author:  duckslayer17 [ Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Great video especially after loosing my Brandy today. I had to put her down today. I just couldent bare seeing her like that. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia years back.

Author:  huck Finn [ Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Truly touching video , sorry for your loss, I lost my Bailey this year 14 years old
Had 12 pups out of two litters 5 then 7 , I know where every dog she whelped went
Only to close freinds , I kept Bowie , male off last litter and he was killed tragically in my own back yard by some neighbors dogs that dug a hole under my fence , needless to say they didn't make it out of my yard , 3 shot works on cur dogs .
Have a new pup 10 months old named Emma ,

All dogs go to heaven , till we hunt again in the fields of gold in heaven, Bowie and bailey you will always have a place in my heart

Author:  Dwalker42 [ Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Author:  Hernaja1 [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

That's the sad part of getting my pup, I know I will get attached, love him like I love my own kids. Want him by my side in a duck stand over any other dog in the world, i look forward to seeing him when I get he from work, but the day will come when I lose him . Some call a pet setting yourself up for pain . Not me I feel blessed for god to give me the time he chooses to have my dog on this earth in a blind sitting next to me. Great stories guys

Author:  BrackIV [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Can someone post a link to the video. It isn't playing for me and can't find it

Author:  barnes_53 [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Freddy King might be a tool when running the boat, but he nailed this one. KUDOs Freddy.

Author:  pearl river outlaw [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Thats good right there!

Author:  BrackIV [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Teal reminds me of my girl, Hazel, in so many ways. Reading thru this thread, I can relate to many of y'all's stories. It's hard reading because I know one day ill be in y'all's shoes again when it's her time. It took me 5 years to get past my first retrievers death enough to get another dog. I truly believe dogs have souls and go to heaven. She will be four years old on the 19th of this month. I hope to get many more years of friendship out of my best friend like many of y'all have had with your dogs. Great thread. These dogs deserve to be honored and remembered like this

My dog Zeke. Got him as a 7th grader. Worked with him every single day from the day he was 7wks old to seven months old. Quit basketball in 8th grade to spend more time with him. My friends picked on me because of how much I loved this dog but they just didn't understand. He was everything I wanted in a dog. He was stolen one day. It's tough not knowing where he ended up or if the people who took him took care of him or appreciated everything that made him so great. I was a devistated boy. I was only able to enjoy two years with him but they were two proud years. Proud that he had grown to be a dog that loved to please me and loved to hunt just as much.

Author:  bussterwyatt [ Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Its hard to put into words what we feel when we loose a companion like this.
I remeber when i was a kid and saw our hunting dog pass away right in front of me while i was playing fetch with him and i layed down beside him as he was passing and cried. when my dad got from work that day and met the news of his dog dying it was the first time i had ever seen my Dad cry! i remeber asking him why he was so sad as we new buster was 14 years old and he replied are you sad and i said yes dad he was my friend. my dad replied to me and said he was like family and most people that walk the earth will never understand the bond between a duck hunter and his duck dog! and that my friends stuck with me my whole life and became apparent this last fall when it was my turn to feel that aweful feeling of a duckhunter who was about to loose his duck dog!
Davidson was a not only a great hunter he was a great member of my family and a loyal companion to us all he was only six and half years old when we had to put him down due to hemangioma sarcoma. we tried to save him with blood transfusions and treatments but to no prevail the cancer had spread to his blood stream and we had to not let him suffer anymore. my six year old daughter refused to go to school that day saying that she wasnt going to leave her buddy when he needed her! it totally blew me away that a six year old could think like that but then i remebered of ol buster at my side passing when i was just a boy of that age laying at his side holding him until he passed. after the doc put him down i then heard my fathers voice saying most people wont ever know the bond between a duck hunter and his duck dog and at that moment I understood so very well as painful as it may be and is still. rest in peace Davy we will meet again!

Author:  Bigbuckfever [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Today my family had to put down my childhood dog, Jack (English Cocker). My dad and I picked him up on a hunting trip nearly 12 years ago without telling my mom. Even though he's been going downhill daily the last few weeks its still hard to believe he is gone now. He is the white and black furball at my feet. (this picture is from about 6 years ago at the height of his hunting)

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Author:  Bigbuckfever [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Picture didn't work.... Try again!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Author:  wpevey [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Saw this today, thought it was fitting to be here for those of us who lost best friends.

Where dogs go when they die)

I wish someone had given Jesus a dog.
As loyal and loving as mine.
To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog,
Would have followed Him all through the day.
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.
It is sad to remember that Christ went away.
To face death alone and apart.

With no tender dog following close behind,
To comfort its Master’s Heart.
And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn,
How happy He would have been,
As His dog kissed His hand and barked it’s delight,
For The One who died for all men.

Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine,
The old pal so dear to me.
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone,
Knowing they’re in eternity.
Day after day, the whole day through,
Wherever my road inclined,
Four feet said, “Wait, I’m coming with you!”
And trotted along behind.

by: Rudyard Kipling

Author:  Hernaja1 [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Great quote! That about sums it up , how we each feel about our dogs

Author:  bayouboy2525 [ Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

afew weeks ago my best friend and hunting partner of 5 1/2 years has left for a better hunting spot im guessing! but LUCY was a 3 legged machine! can promise that. the looks we'd get when she got out the truck hopping around on three legs and would always get the question "she hunts like that?" I would look down at my feet at her then give alil smile an tell em they wouldn't want to put 4 legged dog against her and that's for sure! not only my best hunting partner she was definitely my best friend! promise thatd be the first one id give a call to when going take a ride, give a light whistle and wait haha
kills me not having her around! kinda haven't got the idea shes gone now.

Author:  Winn10 [ Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memory of Man's Best Friend

Im sure its been tuff on ya. Mines 9 yr old and its gonna be rough when that time comes. Sorry it happened bud

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